The MiniProCycler relies on its high efficiency distillation column to remove unwanted contaminants from xylene, alcohol and formalin. For xylene the contaminants are mostly alcohol, biological materials and paraffin. The contaminating alcohol is distilled into a waste container and the pure xylene is distilled into a separate container. Paraffin and biological materials remain behind in the boiler and are removed through a drain. Recycling xylene substitutes follows the same procedure except that xylene substitutes have a higher boiling point then xylene.
Recycling alcohol presents different challenges then xylene. The main contaminants in alcohol are water, biological material, fat, protein and stain. Purified alcohol is distilled over into a receiver. Water and all the other contaminants are left behind in the boiler and are removed through a drain.
Recycling formalin involves removing unwanted contaminants such as fat and protein while at the same time restoring formalin to its original concentration. Most often this is 10%. The distillation column separates out these contaminants and only allows the pure formalin to be collected in the recycled container. The fat, protein, biological materials and excess water are left behind in the boiler.
BR also offers xylene/alcohol recyclers as well as formalin recyclers.
For more information about histology solvent recycling, please contact us. Application notes, user lists and a bibliography are available upon request.
Xylene/Alcohol Recyclers